History of Russia: Episodes of the Patriotic War of 1812 re-enacted in Luga

11 July 2011

On July 9, 2011 in Merevo village, Luga district, Leningrad Region was launched the Historical Re-enactment Festival “Not without reason does the whole Russia remember…”

Organizers invited spectators to the epoch of the Patriotic War of 1812. For the festival were revived camps of Russian and Napoleon’s troops. The re-enactment brought together clubs from Russia and the near abroad.

Spectators could see episodes of war-time life, battles, and exercises with arms. The program included amusing games, arts and crafts fair, performances of folk bands, consecration of the Sts. Peter and Paul Chapel, revived by people of Merevo village.

All guests had a chance to try on colorful costumes of the epoch of Napoleonic Wars, have a look at weapons and decorations, take part in games and competitions.

Merevo has been chosen for holding the festival not by accident. This village is a family estate of the Hero of the Patriotic War 1812 General Mayor Dmitry Lyalin. During his 30-year service in the army he took part in 5 sea battles and 27 field battles with Swedish and French armies, was awarded orders and medals.