Libraries abroad: Role of libraries in the society’s moral and spiritual education under the spotlight in Brest
Librarians of the city of Brest joined the conference “Co-operation between the church and libraries in their efforts of moral and spiritual and family education of children, young people and adults as an important link of country’s demographic security”, which was the part of the “Family – Unity - Fatherland” program. The event kicked off at Brest City Central Library.
The keynote speakers included Deputy Director of the centralized system of libraries for children of Minsk Valentina Misevich, the Head of the Religious Education and Catechesis department of Brest diocese archpriest Yevgeny Likhota. About the program “Family – Unity – Fatherland” spoke Director General of the Belarusian Exarchate publishing house Vladimir Grozov. The highlight of the meeting was an address of the Director of the Republican Festival of Contemporary Christian Culture “Blagovest”, poet and composer Vyacheslav Bobkov. The program of the conference featured presentation of books, audio- and video materials of Belarusian Orthodox Church publishing house. The conference once again stressed the ever-growing role of libraries as cultural centers, their important role in shaping moral and spiritual potential of the society.