International conferences: Fifth International theoretical and practical IT conference kicks off in the town of Protvino
The Fifth International theoretical and practical conference “Information and Communications Technologies in Education, Science and Industry” is running July 4-8 in the town of Protvino (Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation).
The purpose of the conference is to enable discussion between scholars, teachers and industry representatives on fundamental and applied problems related to elaboration of new methods, technologies and technical means to improve reliability and quality; innovative, Information and Communications Technologies in education, science and industry; design and introduction of research results into science intensive and perspective industries. As well as elaboration of recommendations for improvement of content and technologies of education to meet requirements of the population and labor market in quality education; development of solidity and practical orientation of educational programs; shaping of the system of continuing education.
The conference will address the following problems:
1. Problems and technologies of continuing education.
2. Information and Communications Technologies in education.
3. Modern IT in practical psychology.
4. IT in innovative scientific and technological projects, in industry and services sector.
5. Problematic issues in development of automated control systems.
6. IT in security systems.
7. Problems of economics and management development in information society etc.
The program of the conference features the following master classes and seminars:
- seminar for Computer Science teachers "The course of Informatics and ICT at school under conditions of transition to new educational standards";
- roundtable discussion "Modern science in dealing with issues of health improvement";
- seminar "Influence of nutrition on human development and intellect. Modern technologies in shaping the diet at educational institutions";
- master class “Feel your posture”;
- master class “Interactive learning environment”;
- roundtable discussion “Shaping efficient practices for innovative development of educational systems”.