Publishing and church: New books on Solovki published by Solovetsky Monastery
Marking the 20th anniversary of the revival of the Holy Transfiguration Solovetsky Monastery, its Publishing Department has prepared several new publications. They are intended for a wide range of readers - both professional historians and all those who seek to expand their knowledge about Solovki or just beginning to become familiar with them.
A separate series were published reprints of pre-revolutionary publications - "Solovetsky Chronicler", "Solovetsky Patericon" and "History of the first class Solovetsky Monastery."
"Solovetsky Chronicler" was issued in 1847 and has long ago become a rarity. The book tells about all the significant events in the life of the monastery. Current edition is enriched by a review of the history of Solovki chronicles.
"The history of the first class Solovetsky Monastery" was first published in 1899. It is believed that this work is the most complete, detailed and many-sided description of Solovetsky history.
All reprints are supplemented with illustrations, inset reproductions of icons, wall paintings, book miniatures, paintings and graphics of the 16th – 19th centuries.
"Solovki. History. Annals of revival.” photo album is the perfect gift edition for the anniversary of the monastery. "It also tells about the history of pre-revolutionary monastery, but focuses on its recovery. This part is presented as a chronicle, which tells about all the noteworthy events in the life of the modern monastery. The edition features more than 400 photographs, many published for the first time. Their authors are pre-revolutionary and contemporary photographers.
Pilgrims and tourists are offered an illustrated guide "Solovki". It gives brief information about the nature of Solovki, the history of the monastery, its skits and deserts, Solovetsky special camps, the restored monastery, the architectural monuments of the archipelago, all tours, which the Museum and the monastery can offer visitors, as well as all contact phone numbers and addresses which the guests to the island might need. The guide is published in English, Russian, German, French and Italian.
Each of the published editions starts with the address to the reader of the governor of the Monastery, Archimandrite Porphyry (Shutov).