International events: Exhibition dedicated to Russia’s National Flag Day in Beijing

23 August 2011

On August 22, 2011 the Russian Cultural Center in Beijing opened an exhibition dedicated to Russia’s National Flag Day “Symbols of Russia. Emblem, Flag, Anthem”, which allows to trace down the evolution of symbols of the Russian statehood. The exposition features images which tell about the history of Russia’s emblem and flag in course of several centuries. Visitors can also hear national anthems of Russia.

Speaking at the opening of the exhibition, the executive director of the Russian Cultural Center M. Sirakanyan reminded about the events of 1991, which ran for several days until on August 22 over the White House in Moscow for the first time was raised the Russian tricolor, which replaced the red banner with a hammer and sickle, and on the role of tricolor as a symbol of modern Russia. Attendees also learnt about the origin and symbols of the Russian emblem and the history of the text of RF modern anthem.