Electronic resources: Iranian historical documents of UK archive now on INLA website

22 August 2011
Source: Tehran Times

A collection of about 70,000 pictures of historical documents preserved in the National Archives of the United Kingdom are now available on the website of the Iran National Library and Archives (INLA).

The documents are related to Iran, most of which belong to the early 20th century, revealing Britain’s proceedings during the Iranian Constitutional Movement (1905-1911).

“The map of Iran, the Persian Gulf and the islands, the reports of British embassy in Tehran sent to Britain about the Constitutional Movement, and the reports about the National Iranian Oil Company are among the documents available on the website,” INLA director Es’haq Salahi said here on Wednesday.

Salahi said that the archive is the best source for researchers to find out more about Britain’s viewpoints about the movement. “The archive also contains details about the southern borders of the country from Khorramshahr to Sistan-Baluchestan, proving that the enemy used to foment turmoil in the region,” Salahi added.

Salahi also repeated his proposal to those who possess rare documents and said, “We ask those who possess rare documents to bring them to the library for restoration”.