Internet and copyright: Yandex to define primary sources of texts

18 August 2011
Source: CNews

Yandex has announced the launch of a special tool designed to combat reprints of original texts on the Internet. Everyone is welcome to participate in alpha testing of the tool.

"If you publish a text on your website, which had not previously been published on the Internet, and other online resources reprint it, warn Yandex about your intention to publish the text. We will know that the original text has first appeared on your site, and will try to use it to set up search algorithms,” - said the report by Yandex.

To download the text, use the form in "Yandex.Webmaster." You have to load only the original texts that have not yet been published on the Internet. Recommended minimum volume is 2,000 characters, maximum - 32000 marks. The text can be published on the website immediately after the application. This option is available for TIC sites (thematic index of citing) with minimum index of 10.