History of Russia: Archaeologists in Novgorod discover the seal of Yaroslav the Wise’s grandson

17 August 2011
Source: RIA Novosti

In Novgorod archaeologists have unearthed a rare seal that belonged to the grandson of the famous Prince of Novgorod Yaroslav the Wise (977/978-1054), Oleg Svyatoslavovitch - Prince of Chernigov (1053-1115), informed one of archaeologists of Novgorod archaeological expedition, though not specifying the date the discovery was made.

The lead seal, which was attached to important documents in ancient times to prove their authenticity, was discovered by scholars in the first Doslansky excavation pit in the north of ancient Novgorod.

Archaeologists presume that the find dates from the end 11th - beg. 12th cc.

“The seal can be considered as a proof of close relations between Velikiy Novgorod and Chernigov”, the archaeologist said.

He added that along with the seal of Prince Oleg, within several months Doslansky excavation pit offered scholars other valuable discoveries.

In particular in this excavation pit archaeologists have made a discovery of a medieval necropolis, presumably dated to 16th-17th cc., with mass and individual graves.

Apart from this, at the depth of several meters archaeologists have revealed large pits, which as scholars suppose, were used by Novgorodians during warm weather as “fridges” for keeping perishable goods.