IT and Church: Copy of Jerusalem church to appear in Samara

17 August 2011
Source: Regions.Ru

A cathedral based on the 3D model of the Church of Maria Magdalene in Jerusalem will be erected in Samara.

The new church will be called the Holy Trinity Church in honor of Matrona of Moscow. The 3D model of the church was built with permission of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and Jerusalem Patriarchate.

The church was scanned by “Technoimport” specialists on a tight schedule. Laser Scanner Focus3D 120 enabled to cover the surrounding space in three dimensions. All visible surfaces of objects were probed with a laser beam at a speed of 970 000 points per second. At such a high speed rate it is possible to scan any objects found in the field of vision in the shortest time. Within one single scan the accuracy reaches 2 mm, while within the whole area of scanning – it varies from two to three cm.      

There is no need to dispute over advantages of laser scanning over photographic survey. The result of the scanning process is a comprehensive 3D image of objects that implies data on the size, tone and color of each spot of the object.