Internet resources: Mozilla has launched Firefox 6 browser ahead of schedule

15 August 2011
Source: Lenta.Ru

Mozilla has posted on its FTP-server the files containing Firefox 6.0 browser. Versions are available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux in several dozen languages, including Russian.

Previously, Mozilla reported that the final version of Firefox 6.0 will be launched August 16, but in fact the company released the browser two days before the scheduled date.

The design of Firefox 6.0 is no different from the fifth version of the browser, but Mozilla has added several new features. These include the ability to set privacy settings for each site separately using the tool about:permissions and "highlight" of domain name in the address bar. It is reported that the new browser is up to 20 percent faster than Firefox 5.

Firefox 5, the previous version of the browser, was released June 21. In 2011, Mozilla switched to accelerated development cycle: new versions of Firefox will now be released every six weeks. Previously, Mozilla released new versions much more rare: Firefox 3.0 appeared in June 2008, Firefox 3.5 - in June 2009, Firefox 3.6 - in January 2010, and Firefox 4.0 - in March 2011.

August 11 in its Add-ons Blog Mozilla disclosed some details about the Firefox 8 web browser. This version of Firefox will automatically disable the browser add-ons set by a third-party program.