Information technology and society: Public opinion poll timed to 30th anniversary of the first PC
More than a half of Russians (55%) dispose of a personal computer. While a third of our countrymen have no intention to buy one. These data have been released by All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Studies (VTsIOM) having timed its new poll to the 30th anniversary of the world's first personal computer.
Purchase of computers, according to the obtained data, takes an increasing pace in Russia: in 2007 there was only 34% of the population who had a PC. As expected, on the "edge" of computing are young people - 75% of those who are between 18 and 24 years old, own a personal computer. Two-thirds of those who are over 60 do not have computers and do not plan to acquire them.
Another regularity: ahead of all are those who are well-off (79%), highly educated (66%) and "Internet-dependent" (84%). However, 33% of respondents do not have a computer and are not going to buy it, and the majority of this category consists of people with primary or incomplete secondary education.
At the same time VTsIOM outlines the general tendency of a decreasing number of those wishing to purchase a PC. In 2007, every tenth Russian planned to make such a purchase, but today they are only 6%.
During the nationwide opinion poll VTsIOM has surveyed 1,600 people in 138 villages in 46 regions and republics. The statistical error, according to the Centre, does not exceed 3.4%.