Information technology and education: Experimental use of e-textbooks in Samara region schools
This academic year the Samara region will begin an experiment of using electronic textbooks in schools, as announced at the press conference Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Samara region Vladimir Klassen.
"It's a completely different generation of textbooks - not laptops, but specially designed electronic devices with secure, anti-shock case," - said Klassen.
According to him, an electronic textbook looks like a drop-down book, one half of which will represent the text of the tutorial (on the screen, as in e-book), and the other half of the open textbook a student will use in interactive mode, performing various teaching assignments.
Among the first sites chosen for the experiment are four classes in two schools of Togliatti. Students of 6th and 7th grades will take part in the experiment.
If the experiment proves successful, it will be expanded. The project is supervised by the Federal Institute for Educational Development.