History of Russia: Archaeologists found an Old Russian town in Tula region

9 August 2011
Source: RIA Novosti

Archaeologists of "Kulikovo Field" Museum found in the Tula region an ancient Russian town Divyagorsk, which had been mentioned in the chronicles, but was discovered only now, explained the press secretary of the museum Lyubov’ Kotikova.

According to her, the town of Divyagorsk that existed at the turn of the 11-12th centuries on the territory of Chernigov principality, is known for its chronicles. Historians believe that the town was destroyed in 1146-1147 as a result of internecine wars of the princes.

Lyubov’ Kotikova reported that the main finding of archaeologists working under the auspices of the Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, was Divyagorsk trading quarter, where craftsmen and merchants lived.

During the excavations were found the objects revealing daily life of Divyagorsk residents: bone awl, mushroom handle, possibly a knife, a fragment of a bracelet made ​​of glass. Also at the site was found a burial place.

L. Kotikova added that the excavations will continue until mid-August, after which the experts will to study the findings.