Information technology and security: one of two Russian computers is under cyber attack

8 August 2011

According to "Kaspersky Lab", obtained by using the "cloud" systems for monitoring and rapid response to threats of Kaspersky Security Network, in average, every other computer in Russia (55.3%) is exposed to cyber attack. The company's experts have defined five most common types of threats of the total number of incidents.

Most often, danger in RuNet comes from different knavish software. Every day 80,000 of Russian Internet users run the danger of infection by some malicious code. 5,100 users face the problem of programs-blockers which extort money. In addition, malware for mobile devices is also a threat - a thousand incidents a day, as well as banking Trojans attacking daily 700 computers.

Cybercriminals pay particular attention to social networks. According to Sergey Golovanov, the leading virus analyst of "Kaspersky Lab", these resources have recently become one of the fastest channels of spreading of malicious code. "The object of interest for intruders represent users’ passwords, for stealing of which they use Trojans programs, that are distributed through vulnerabilities in social networks’ platforms and by means of various psychological tricks" - said the expert. According to him, every day in Russia about 2,100 holders of accounts in popular social networks are attacked by "malware". To ensure the security of personal data Sergey Golovanov recommends the use of integrated security solutions, which include, for example, "Virtual Keyboard". The tool can be used, in particular, at various Internet resources for typing a confidential information and prevents interception of sensitive data.