World culture: “Round Tower” of Windsor Castle is open for visitors

3 August 2011
Source: Lenta.Ru

The famous "Round Tower" of Windsor Castle was opened to visitors after a recess of 36 years. August 1 the first tourists climbed to the highest point at the residence of British monarchs and examined its surroundings.

"Round tower" was closed for major repairs in 1975, as the experts decided that it was threatened with destruction. Later the premises of the tower housed the Royal Archives.

Excursion called "Conquer the tower" allows tourists, having marched the 200 steps of the staircase, to have a look at the Windsor and London from a height of 45 meters. In addition, visitors can stroll through the gallery, which had served as a hiding place for archers in the Middle Ages. Now the gallery features bronze guns dating to the 16-18th centuries.

The “Round Tower" was built in 1170, by order of the English monarch Henry II. It replaced the Norman style dungeon, erected in the 11th century along with the Windsor Castle.