History of Russia: Crucession in Novosibirsk marked the Christianization of Kievan Rus’ Day

2 August 2011

In Novosibirsk the Day of the Christianization of Kievan Rus’ was celebrated July 31. July 28, the date of holiday, was formally established and given official status only last year. It is associated with remembrance about Prince Vladimir of Kiev, revered by the Russian Orthodox Church as a Baptist of Russia equal to the apostles. But it was decided to celebrate the holiday on Sunday in Novosibirsk.

Another name for the holiday is Unity Day of the Slavic peoples. Today, there are about 270 million Slavs in the world. But, of course, this holiday is most widely celebrated in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

In addition to the Slavic Orthodox Church Diocese of Novosibirsk and the mayor among the organizers of the Slavs day were Ukrainian and Belarusian National Cultural Centers and a Center of Orthodox Culture "Russian Shield".

The religious procession was led by Bishop Tikhon of Novosibirsk and Berd, the celebrations attended the mayor of Novosibirsk, Vladimir Gorodetsky.

Festive liturgy was served at Holy Trinity Cathedral of St. Vladimir in Lenin district. After that there was a crucession to Trinity Square. In the square, on the place where it is planned to erect a monument to "Unity of the three Slavic nations," a public prayer was served.