Regions of Russia: Regional center with access to Presidential Library’s resources set up in Novosibirsk

30 September 2011

The regional center, which provides access to resources of the Presidential Library, was opened at the facility of Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library on September 21 2011.

The library staff prepared a series of events at the new center.

“Days of media-security of kids on the Internet” were launched for pupils of 5th, 6th, 7th forms. Staff members of the regional center talked with children on computer security, on danger of disclosing personal data on the web, on rules of communication on the Internet and meeting with virtual friends.

On September 28 at the Theatrical Hall of Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library was held the first historical and cultural competition “What? Where? When?”. It turned the spotlight on world-famous politicians, history and symbols of Russia, as well as history of Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk Region.

Staff members of Novosibirsk regional center also launched three virtual exhibitions featuring scanned illustrations and texts from manuscripts, prepared a story on production of handwritten books and the origin of the earliest manuscript “The Ostromir Gospels” and a show of its digital counterpart.