Regions of Russia: Winners of “Volgograd Region. Virtual tours from the past to the future” contest of presentations and video clips announced

30 September 2011

Within the framework of “Citizens’ Patriotic Upbringing” target program from April 4th to September 27th 2011 M. Gorky Regional Scientific Library of Volgograd held a contest of presentations and video clips entitled “Volgograd Region. Virtual tours from the past to the future”.

Pupils of 8th–11th forms and students of educational institutions of Volgograd and Volgograd Region (participants aged 14-24) were invited to take part in the contest. The contest accepted electronic presentations and video clips meeting contest’s purposes and tasks, which gave a chance to take virtual tours to Volgograd Region and reflected historical events, which aroused patriotic feelings and were the pride of residents of the city and region. All in all, the contest received over 120 works.

The jury, which included heads and specialists of archives, museums, media portals, committees for education and culture, including representatives of Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, faced a difficult task – to recognize best out of the best. The jury assessed the works according to three criteria: patriotic theme, original information presentation and high video quality.

Contest’s results were summed up on September 27 at M. Gorky Regional Scientific Library of Volgograd.

“Tsaritsyn: Pages of History” and “Kazan Cathedral” creative works will be included to collections of Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.

M. Gorky Regional Scientific Library of Volgograd is planning to create an electronic resource featuring contestants’ best works.