History of Russia: “Great sons of Russia” cultural and educational project timed to Mikhail Lomonosov’s 300th birth anniversary kicks off in Cheboksary

23 September 2011

As a part of Mikhail Lomonosov’s 300th birth anniversary celebration, Cheboksary is launching a project called “Great sons of Russia. Mikhail Lomonosov”.

The purpose of the project is to cast light on the life, career and creative heritage of Mikhail Lomonosov, unveil his great personality as the son of the Fatherland, generate interest among the rising generation to Russian science, look for and support young talented scholars ready to conduct research.

On September 23 the Cultural and Exhibition Center “Rainbow” is opening an exhibition which coincides with the launch of a contest of research works.

The exhibition in “Rainbow” showcases 20 works: copies of Lomonosov’s mosaics and materials on his research activities.

The exposition helps to discover Mikhail Lomonosov’s career: from a curious young man from a peasant family, who joined a caravan to Moscow (on the picture by Kislyakov N. I. “Young Lomonosov goes to Moscow”), an overgrown student of the Slavic Greek Latin Academy, one of the most brilliant students of St. Petersburg Academic University, who was among the selected ones to be sent to study in Europe, up to Professor of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, founder of Moscow University, major figure of Russian and world culture of 18th century.

The highlight of the exhibition – is a 30m2 reproduction of Lomonosov’s grandiose picture “Battle of Poltava”. 1,300 million smalt pieces were used to prepare it.

The exhibition also displays unique portraits of Mikhail Lomonosov: the work by artist L. S. Mitropolsky and a sculpture portrait made by F. I. Shubin.

The art exhibition is added by a book exposition provided by the National Library of the Chuvash Republic, which releases research papers by Mikhail Lomonosov, and books which highlight his life and career. The exhibition in “Rainbow” will run through November 10 2011.

Along with the exhibition Cheboksary is mounting the open city competition of research works. The competition is held within three age categories: among pupils of 7-9 forms, pupils of 10-11 forms, students and graduates. The contest features the following subjects:  Course of life of Mikhail Lomonosov, Scientific heritage of Mikhail Lomonosov, Artistic heritage of Mikhail Lomonosov, Mikhail Lomonosov and his epoch, Mikhail Lomonosov in my life.