Northern (Arctic) Federal University undertakes the first step toward foundation of the Presidential Library’s branch

20 September 2011

On September 20 2011 Northern (Arctic) Federal University held a meeting for signing of the Protocol on Promotion of Cooperation between Northern (Arctic) Federal University and Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.

This was a trilateral meeting which was attended by rector of the university Ye. V. Kudryashova, Director of the Presidential Library A. P. Vershinin and Deputy Governor of Arkhangelsk Oblast R. V. Balashov.

While opening the meeting, rector of the university Yelena Kudryashova stressed the contribution of architects, restorers, designers, builders, librarians, university’s staff members – all those who took part in reconstruction and building of the hall. Yelena Vladimirovna marked that the region occupied an important place in development of Russian statehood. The purpose of the Presidential Library is to study, preserve and consolidate Russian statehood. Northern (Arctic) Federal University has all opportunities and willingness to deal with joint tasks.

As for today the Presidential Library has been deeply involved in building its regional network. There are twenty regional centers located in Russia – from Far East to North West District – and seven centers operating abroad at the facility of Russian Centers of Science and Culture.

Electronic Reading Rooms of the Presidential Library are being set up on campus of regional and federal universities. Northern (Arctic) Federal University is one of them. The number of centers providing access to resources of the Presidential Library will be constantly growing. This was confirmed at the meeting by Director General of the Presidential Library A. P. Vershinin.

Deputy Governor of Arkhangelsk Oblast R. V. Balashov in his turn highlighted that each ruble invested into science and knowledge was the most sound and profitable form of investment. The future development of Arkhangelsk Oblast depends on it.

The meeting took place at the Electronic Reading Room completed by September 1 2011. Guests were shown its technical facilities which meet the modern requirements of the library and information work.

Signing of the protocol has become another stage in relations between the Presidential Library and Northern (Arctic) Federal University. On November 30 2010 rector of the university Ye. V. Kudryashova became the member of the Presidential Library’s Academic Council.