Information technology and culture: Photo Exhibition featuring Sergey Aksakov in 3D

18 September 2011

The Orenburg Regional Museum of Visual Art opened a photo exhibition marking the 220th birthday anniversary of Sergey Aksakov, writer.

Visitors can also see pictures of the village of Aksakovo, Buguruslan district, Orenburg region, where Sergei Aksakov spent his childhood in the estate of his grandfather. A separate section covers the village of Abramtsevo, where Aksakov lived and worked in the last years of his life. Also the exhibition features about 80 works by Sergey Zhdanov, connoisseurs of Aksakov’s prose. The photographs depict landscapes of protected sites in Ufa, where was born the future author of "The Scarlet flower", and the neighborhood of the village of Nadezhdino inherited by the writer.

All visitors of the exhibition are given special glasses - photos are presented in modern 3D technology. According to the exhibition’s curator Alla Khakimova, this deep dive will allow visitors to feel as if they really are in those beauty spots, depicted in the photographs.

The exhibition opens a series of events marking the 220th anniversary of the writer, to be celebrated on October 1. The central event will take place in the village of Aksakovo, where the mansion-museum of the writer is situated. There will be a festival of library and museum programs and "Aksakov autumn» projects, III regional competition of professional skills of museum employees, the concert "A rich land, blessed!".