Information technology and copyright: Russia to create the national Internet platform of authors’ works

7 September 2011
Source: TASS Telecom

Russia plans to build a national Internet platform of authors’ works. This was reported during the "government hour" in the State Duma by the Head of the Russian Ministry of Mass Communications Igor Shchegolev.

"We plan to create a national platform where we could post examples of author’s content and create a unique numeric label enabling to identify stolen works on the web and make a complaint, or offer violators to pay retroactively for the works they have used," - said the Minister .

Shchegolev also noted the need for greater use of " creative commons " that allow the author to decide for himself, whether the access to his works is open or closed. "We believe that these measures will fight against piracy, expand cultural exchanges and enable to make full use of the Internet", - said the Minister.

The so-called «creative commons» perform the function of legal protection of user rights to unlimited reproduction, study, distribution of the various products of intellectual activity. "In order to promote the distribution of information and creative activity, the authors of works may be willing to give most of their rights to works to an unlimited number of users", - explained representatives of the Ministry of Communications. It might be, for example, the rights to distribute and process of the product in commercial or noncommercial purposes. Licenses of this type allow you to "supply" the object of copyright with a set of parameters which indicate the mode of using the object: distribution, modification, etc. This allows you to use an object of copyright without the need to obtain additional permission of the right holder.