State and society: Global Political Forum “The modern state in the age of social diversity” in Yaroslavl

7 September 2011

Global Political Forum, which takes place September 7-8, 2011, covers the topic of "The Modern State in era of social diversity."

The event is traditionally held in the city of Yaroslavl (Russia), under the patronage of President of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

According to estimates of the participants, Yaroslavl Forum becomes an open and an influential international discussion platform, a significant event in the political and intellectual life of the world community.

In 2011, the focus of the Forum in Yaroslavl is the issue of the effective functioning of modern democratic states in the era of social diversity.

Modern societies have become more complicated and differentiated by cultural, ethnic, religious, and economic characteristics. Traditional social groups and relationships between them are changing. New forms of identity appear which manifest themselves in an active manner.

At the same time, modern democratic states are faced with the need to combine efficient economy with principles of social justice, innovations with accounting of features of civilization, the identity of migrants with the need for their integration within a single state, human rights with global security.

Panelists in Yaroslavl will try to understand these and other concerns together and to find ways to solve them.

Global Political Forum is a platform for joint development of criteria of a modern effective democratic statehood by representatives from different countries, because it is those standards - developed jointly and recognized by all – are working for a just, balanced and sustainable world order, ensuring decent living conditions for all mankind.