Information technology and security: X All-Russian Conference “Information security. Regional aspects. InfoBEREG-2011” in Sochi

6 September 2011

X Jubilee All-Russian Conference "Information Security. Regional aspects. InfoBEREG-2011" takes place in Sochi, from 6 to 10 September 2011.

In 9 years the conference has become the de facto annual congress of professionals in the field of information security in Russia. Over the years, more than 1,500 delegates have attended the conference, including senior management and specialists of state and commercial organizations, research institutions and NGOs.

The conference is traditionally attended by representatives of the federal government, legislative, regulatory and governing bodies of the Russian Federation.

The conference discussed the issues of state regulation, regional development, sectoral problems, the development of management systems and technologies in the field of information security, best practices of the implemented projects, solutions and implementations.

Conference Objectives:

- Effective cooperation between the ministries and federal departments, administrations of Russian regions and enterprises of different ownership forms in the development of information technology and information security support of the Russian Federation.

- Improving legal regulation in the field of information security in the Russian Federation.

- Assistance in matters of information security at the regional level, at the level of the Russian Federation regions.

- Providing a forum for expression of opinions and expert commentaries on recent and upcoming changes in the regulatory, legal regulation, including the licensing, certification, certification, conformity assessment, etc.

- Introduction of the latest practices and technologies in the field of information and discussion.

- Sharing best practices of leading experts in the field of information security of the Russian Federation and provision of practical assistance in matters of information security.