The Presidential Library’s portal will broadcast regional conferences

5 September 2011

The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library starts to broadcast regional events covering the history of the Russian statehood and law as well as the issues of international cultural and information exchange.

The first experience of the kind was the broadcast at the Library’s portal of the X International Week “Dialogue of Cultures – Culture of Dialogue” held in Kostroma September 5, 2011.

The educational Forum “Dialogue of Cultures – Culture of Dialogue” is attended by representatives from over 20 regions of Russia and CIS as well as teachers and students from universities of Germany, USA, France, Finland, Czech Republic, Serbia, Belorussia. 

As a part of the Forum, specialists of the Presidential Library, via videoconference, have given a presentation telling about the Library’s holdings, international projects and possible cooperation with universities, informed about education programs of the Library.

This kind of initiatives is new to the Presidential Library. It enables to expand both its own capabilities and the capabilities of its partners. Direct broadcasts from regional events at the Library’s portal will become regular.