Information technology and Russian regions: Memorandum on implementation of .MOSCOW and .MOSKVA domains

5 September 2011
Source: TASS Telecom

The Day of Moscow city, September 4, was signed a Memorandum of Co-operation between the Foundation for Promotion of Internet Technology and Infrastructure, dotCities Association and an action group that advocates the creation of the city’s TLDs. The memorandum will allow the parties to establish effective exchange of information and experience in creating top-level domains of megalopolises and, thus, contribute to the successful implementation of projects for the introduction of .MOSCOW and .MOSKVA and .BERLIN domains. In addition, the memorandum provides for joint activities aimed at popularizing the idea of ​​creating urban domains.

Association dotCities has been formed to advance the interests of initiative groups for the introduction of domain zones for the needs of the largest cities in the world. The main founder of the Association is the dotBERLIN company which is implementing a project of introduction a domain for the German capital.

"Our informal cooperation with the initiators of the project on implementation of .MOSCOW and .MOSKVA domains started about a year ago. I am sure that the signing of the memorandum will contribute to enhancing partnership. In particular, we will be able to share useful knowledge that we will obtain during the implementation of domains for the capitals of Russia and Germany - Berlin and Moscow, - says Dirk Krischenovski, CEO of dotBERLIN and spokesman of Association dotCities. - Accordingly, we can help each other, to suggest how best to organize the process of creating domains. And it is very important, since there is no such experience in implementation of top-level domains for cities, it appears to our eyes, including the implementation of projects such as .MOSCOW / .MOSKVA and .BERLIN. It is very important, that this experience was the most successful and could be used in the future."

Foundation for Promotion of Internet Technology and Infrastructure was established in the summer of 2011 to work on a project of creation of .MOSKVA and .MOSCOW, and other Russian geographical, cultural and linguistic domains.

For the first time the initiative to implement domain for the Russian capital in 2010 made ​​the national domain registrar RU-CENTER. This summer, the practical implementation of the project was entrusted to the Foundation for Promotion of Internet Technology and Infrastructure as a structure that will ensure participation of all stakeholders in the process of creating and managing .MOSKVA and .MOSCOW domains. The board of the Foundation included representatives of public authorities and the Government of Moscow, the Internet community of the capital.