Internet resources: Yandex has increased search results for queries including misprints

5 September 2011

Search engine "Yandex" has improved the search results for queries with misspellings. Now, in some cases, this search engine displays for Russian users the results on two queries simultaneously: the result on the given query which presumably contains a misprint, and the result for the corrected query.

Yandex started to correct typographical errors in search queries back in 2008. But for some queries, it is impossible to determine exactly if the user made ​​a mistake or not. To meet the expectations of both, the search engine mixes the results of two queries at once and displays them on one page.

"Misprints in queries might happen for a variety of reasons: user may spell incorrectly a term which he knows only by ear, he may type quickly and hit a wrong print button or forget to change the layout. In such cases it is important for us to understand what a person he wants, and give him the correct answer, - says Denis Raskovalov, head of the search quality development. - According to our internal metrics, we see that a new way to respond to queries with misspellings has significantly improved the quality of search."

According to statistics from a Yandex, about 12% of search queries contain errors and misprints. One of the words containing misprints most often is "classmates". Today, the history of search queries   includes more than 17, 000 variants of its writing.