Information technology and security: Mobile viruses spread

5 September 2011
Source: CNews

G Data Software Company has prepared a report on the latest threats to PC and Internet users. According to the company, cyber frauds increasingly use malicious software distributed via mobile phones as a tool for their targeted attacks.

Thus, according to a survey conducted by the Laboratory G Data SecurityLabs, in early 2011, the proportion of virus for smart phones and tablets increased by 140% in relation to the total number of malicious programs. Compared to the second half of 2010, the proportion of viruses for mobile platforms grew in the first half of 2011 almost 4 times. Experts also note the particular activity from cross-platform Trojans software, which are currently dominating over other threats. Most of them were created to distribute spam and other illegal activities being conducted by electronic frauds. The increasing share of such crimes only shows that the illegal market of malware is in its zenith, the report by G Data said.

In the first half of 2011, specialists from G Data SecurityLabs recorded another record: the emergence of 1,245,403 new families of malware - this is a 15.7% increase over the second half of 2010. Experts predict a further continuation of growth. By the end of the year G Data Software expects at least 2.5 million new families of viruses, which is equal to the number of viruses registered from 2006 to 2009.