Russian culture abroad: “Russian icon of 15th – early 20th centuries” to open in Rome

4 September 2011

2 September 2011 the Museum of Russian Icon (Moscow) held a press conference and press demonstration of the “Russian Icon of 15th – early 20th century” which will take place in Rome September 26, 2011 to February 12, 2012.

The exhibition of the Old Russian art objects from the collections of the Museum of Russian Icon to open in Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome, is one of the most significant events of the Italy – Russia Year. “Russian Icon of 15th – early 20th century” is the first imposing exposition of the private Russian collection abroad. The exhibition includes over forty objects of the Old Russian art.

3 – 9 September 2011 the most valuable exhibits of the upcoming exposition are available to all devotees of the Old Russian art in the Museum of Russian Icon. Upon its return to Russia, the exhibition will be presented in Moscow.