Memorable dates of Russia: Second International Conference “Origins of the Russian World” launched in St. Petersburg

27 October 2011
Source: BaltInfo

On October 27, 2011 the All-Russian Pushkin Museum, Concert Hall in St. Petersburg opened the 2nd International Conference “Origins of the Russian World”. The conference is timed to 1150th anniversary of Russian-Khazar mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius and 300th birth anniversary of Mikhailo Lomonosov.

This conference turns the spotlight on the beginning of Christianization of Ancient Russia, which was to a great extent connected to Khazan mission of brothers from Salonika, whose goals and objectives still arise numerous disputes in the academic world, the same as the origin of Christian texts written in “Slavic letters” they had found in Chersonesus.

The event is also called to highlight Mikhailo Lomonosov as an outstanding historian of 18th century. Above all, this is the role of the scholar in a famous dispute over Varangian-Russian issue in 1749–1750. Both posed themes have to do with the origins and foundation of ancient Russian statehood, and are crucial for understanding those historical processes which resulted into formation of Ancient Russia.

“Origins of the Russian World” International Conference is running through October 29 2011.

The conference will also see a presentation of collected articles based on materials of the First “Origins of the Russian World” International Conference and a book series under the same name.