Information Security: Meeting on Internet Development and Security in Paris

21 October 2011
Source: TASS Telecom

Cooperation on the Internet is the theme of the International meeting which is running Oct. 21 2011 in Paris. At the forum Russia is represented by the Minister of Communications and Mass Media Igor Shchegolev. At the invitation of France the discussion will attract heads of other G8 countries delegations, the European Union, leading Asian and African states.

The highlight at the meeting will be innovations on the Internet. On the agenda are also issues concerning wider access to information with provision of security. Along with representatives of government agencies the meeting will attract representatives of the research community, NGOs and leading companies - Microsoft, Google, Intel, as well as Africa’s first social network - MXit, and bloggers.

A new regional project called Panafsat - the launch of panafrican communications satellites - will be inaugurated at the meeting.

The Minister of Industry, Energy and Digital Economy of France Eric Besson said that the meeting aimed at “practical implementation of recommendations, proposed at G8 summit in Deauville in France. These measures imply openness and general accessibility of Internet, as well as safety and respect for user’s personal data integrity.

The Minister of Communications and Mass Media of Russia Igor Shchegolev is convinced that only joint efforts will contribute to safety on the Internet. “Initiatives should be proposed by both business and users often falling victim to cyber threats”, Minister stressed.