St. Petersburg history: Blok’s diaries about St. Petersburg displayed in the poet’s memorial flat

16 October 2011

"I am walking, and all is flying ... Petersburg of Alexander Blok" Exhibition opened at the memorial flat of A. Blok in St. Petersburg.

At the heart of the exhibition - poetic lines, diaries, notes by A. Block about St. Petersburg. They can be read or listen to as audio records. Also in the museum halls will sound a song cycle by G. Sviridov on poems by Alexander Blok "Petersburg".

The exhibited artifacts from the collections of the State Museum of St. Petersburg    recreate the look of the city at the turn of 19th – 20th centuries - the city where was born, lived, worked and died A. Block.

Photographs, postcards, prints and drawings will allow museum visitors to "follow" the St. Petersburg routes of the poet. Authentic household items of the time: an old gramophone, which can be seen in many pubs in St Petersburg; hurdy-gurdy, often heard in the courtyards, pharmacy equipment – all of them remind of such poetic cycles of A. Blok as "City" and "A terrible world", including the poem "Night, Street, Lamp, Drugstore ... "

Also at the exhibition you can see movies of early twentieth century, playbills, posters of the “Luna-park“ amusement park, the People's House, Circus "Modern".