World culture: “Russian China” Exhibition in Moscow
October 13, 2011 to January 9, 2012 the State Museum of Oriental Art (Moscow) hosts the "Russian China" exhibition featuring the spiritual life of the Russian emigration in China in the first half of 20th century.
The exhibition was initiated by a famous historian of fashion and costume design A. A. Vasiliev and experts of the Museum of Oriental Art. The authors propose the audience to address the issue of cultural traditions and preferences among Russian emigrants, their activities in the field of art and art-object environment.
One of the most important themes of the exhibition is the works of artists-emigrants, working in China (M. Domrachev, J. Lihonos, A. Yaron and others). It is known that Nicholas Roerich has repeatedly visited China, including Harbin and Shanghai, so the exposition is complemented by works of the great artist, which he created in China during this period (from the collection of the State Museum of Oriental Art). Among the exhibits is graphic works of 1930-40s (by Gu Yuan, Li Hua, Wang Shui), which has an acute social and political orientation.
Quite interesting for the public are photographs made by Russians in China and Korea, as well as photos showing the facades and interiors of buildings in Shanghai and Harbin. The exhibition also showcases the documents and photographs of famous representatives of emigration.