IT and Archives: International theoretical and practical conference on problems of data storage and access to it, in Tula

12 October 2011

International theoretical and practical conference “Modern Information Technologies and Equipment for Long-Term Storage and Prompt Access to Documentary Data” ran in Tula October 4-5, 2011.

The conference was co-organized by the Research Institute of Reprography (Tula) and “Argentum Digital” Ltd. (Moscow). It attracted heads and staff members of federal archives (the Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documents, the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History), regional archival institutions of Russia (Republic of Karelia, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Pskov and Sverdlovsk Regions), CIS states (Republic of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine), museums, libraries, scientific institutions which deal with micrography, representatives of SMA (USA), NEXTScan (USA), which produce and bring to the Russian market COM-systems (Computer output Microfilm), scanners and other type of equipment.

During the conference participants discussed the issues connected with the quality of produced electronic documents, ensuring instant access to accumulated digital data arrays, their long-term storage, the composition and technical characteristics of the equipment employed for these needs.

Addresses of specialists from the Research Institute of Reprography, who have studied and analyzed the international and home practices of digitized data arrays preservation, highlighted that at present time the optimal solution of this problem was transition of electronic documents to microfilms. The idea was supported by their foreign counterparts as well.

The conference also addressed modern trends in development of long-term data storage technologies, problems of information security with launch of digital technologies. The reports dealt with the practice of using digital copies in exhibitions, and also generalized the experience of creating digital copies and copies on microfilms with application of COM-systems.

Participants of the conference had an opportunity to examine the equipment which is available at the Research Institute of Reprography.