International events: Exposition of Spanish posters of 1936–1939 in St. Petersburg

10 October 2011

October 10, 2011 in the Korff Hall of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) under the Year of Russia in Spain and Spain in Russia opened a unique exhibition of Spanish posters of 1936-1939 «Vincere aut mori!

The exhibition features a unique collection of posters from the Department of Prints, the NLR, treating with the struggle of the Spanish people againt pro-fascist Franco regime in 1936-1937. Most of the sheets were donated to the National Library of Russia by the Spanish government in 1937. As a valuable historical material, the copies were also sent by Russian sailors, pilots, tank drivers who defended Madrid, by translators, journalists and writers who collaborated with the "Spanish Association of Cultural Relations with the USSR."

Exhibition of Posters of the Spanish Republic is displayed the first time in more than half a century of the history of Russian-Spanish relations. Posters dispose of a great expressive power, demonstrate bright and symbolic images, unexpected interpretation of the plots. A significant part of the posters covers the heroic defense of Madrid. Photo chronicle materials of 1930s, which are also displayed at the exhibition, give a broad view about life and struggle of the Spanish people, the activities of international brigades and allied forces. The exposition is completed with books and albums of the 20th century from the collections of the NLR.

The exhibition was organized by the National Library of Russia, the Center for Spanish Language and Culture ADELANTE and the Consulate General of Spain in St. Petersburg.