IT abroad: Oracle unveils the world’s largest cloud services complex

10 October 2011
Source: CNews

Oracle is launching one of the world’s largest enterprise clouds - Oracle Public Cloud intended for all applications and business processes of the enterprise.

During his speech at Oracle Open World conference Oracle’s CEO Larry Ellison showed off a major cloud project of its company – the set of cloud services Oracle Public Cloud.

This is the public cloud that offers customers a complete range of business applications and technology solutions, avoiding the problems of data and business fragmentation.

The Oracle Public Cloud enables customers to run the exact business applications in the cloud and on-premise.

The Oracle Public Cloud includes Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Cloud Service, Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Cloud Service, Oracle Social Network, Oracle Java Cloud Service and Oracle Database Cloud Service.

Hosting and support of services is run by Oracle itself. All in all, Oracle Public Cloud may be called one of the largest integrated cloud services existing today.

Pricing for Oracle Public Cloud will be based on a monthly subscription model and each service can be purchased independently of other services.