Exhibitions: “Kostin dynasty of artists” exposition underway in Moscow

10 October 2011

“Kostin dynasty of artists” exhibition is running October 7 - 24 2011 at the Russian State Library of Art in Moscow as a part of “Dynasties” project.

The idea of continuity of mastery, inheritance of traditions and unity of generations – is the core idea of this exposition. Four generations of the family of artists, scene designers and graphic artists, so different in their creative works, have left a remarkable trace in the history of art of Russia.

In the Blue Hall of the Russian State Library of Art visitors may see paintings, illustrations to Russian and foreign classical literature, etchings, lithographs, pencil drawings by four representatives of this dynasty. Most of the works originate from the Kostins’ family archive, some illustrations come from library’s holdings.

Apart from works by Kostin family, the exposition features books, albums and magazines from the collection of the Russian State Library of Art.