Peoples of Russia: “Culture and way of life of peoples of Trans-Urals area” exhibition underway in Kurgan

9 October 2011
Source: Kurgan.Ru

Through October Kurgan Regional Local Lore Museum is holding “Culture and way of life of peoples of Trans-Urals area” exhibition, which is dedicated to the Year of Unity, Friendship and Cooperation.

Visitors of the exhibition may see national costumes, musical instruments, handicrafts, books and photographs of peoples of the region – all in all over 350 exhibits.

“The exhibition reflects not only the originality of national cultures, but it attracts attention to the problem of development and protection of material and spiritual heritage of peoples”, says the research fellow of the regional local lore museum Margarita Mukovoz.

109 nationalities live in Kurgan Region. The exhibition displays musical instruments, handicrafts, books and photographs of peoples of the region, and national costumes.