Church abroad: First Russian church to appear in Madrid

7 October 2011

On October 5 2011 was received an official permission for construction of a cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in Madrid.

The agreement regarding allocation of land to the Russian Orthodox Church was signed on July 9 2010. The 756 m2 piece of land is located in a prestigious district of Madrid, not far away from Pinar del Rey subway.

The design of the church has been made by Moscow architect Alexei Vorontsov jointly with Spanish architect Jesus San Vicente. This will be the first stone church of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Iberian Peninsula.

Consecration of the foundation stone is scheduled for early December 2011 within the closing of the Year of Russia in Spain.

The first Russian parish in Madrid in honor of Mary Magdalene was founded in 1761 and existed until 1882. During the post-war time in the capital city of Spain existed the Church of Seraphim of Sarov in the house of Russian Imperial family. In 2001 was founded a parish in honor of the Nativity of Christ, however up to the present day the divine services are conducted in the former furniture workshop.