Russian memorial dates: Conference marking the 1150th anniversary of the conception of Russian statehood in Staraya Ladoga

3 October 2011

September 30, 2011 in Staraya Ladoga, Leningrad Region, was held a conference "North-West - the cradle of Russian statehood." The main topic of discussion was the coordination of activities related to the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the conception of Russian statehood in the North-West Federal District.

The conference program included a series of plenary sessions:

- The role and place of Staraya Ladoga in the development of Russian statehood;

- The contribution of the Russian Orthodox Church in the preservation and strengthening of the Russian nationality and the Russian statehood;

- Discussion and coordination of plans for celebrating the 1150th anniversary of the conception of Russian statehood by the constituent territories of the North-West Federal District.

The conference was attended by representatives of the Organising Committee for the celebrations of 1150th anniversary of the conception of Russian statehood in the Northwest Federal District, the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, public associations and organizations, scientific and educational institutions.