Russian regions: “350 faces of Irkutsk. Volume 1”

3 October 2011

October 3, 2011 the Irkutsk Regional Local History Museum launches the exhibition "350 faces of Irkutsk. Volume 1". Four artists: Alexander Muravyov, Sergei Eloyan, Valery Chevelev and Tikhon Muravyov have created in six months the portraits of Irkutsk inhabitants. Photos, memories - all have been used to create not just a picture, but also emphasize the characteristics of these people.

At the exhibition, visitors can see portraits of Mark Sergeev, director of the Museum of Decembrists Eugene Yachmenyov, scientist Mikhail Kuzmin, merchant Haminov, Nicholas Frantsevich Salatsky, Boris Arkadievich Govorin, Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin, Count Muraviev-Amursky, Vitaly Konstantinovich Wenger, Konstantin Vyrupaeva and many others.