World culture: Unique gold-decorated manuscripts and printed books go on show in Saratov

29 November 2011

On November 25th 2011 Saratov Regional Local Lore Museum staged an exhibition “Precious patterns”. It puts on show 137 items of decorative and applied arts and books which date back to 14th-20th cc. from the collection of the State Historical Museum (Moscow). This exhibit is a highlight in a series of events timed to celebrate 125th anniversary of Saratov Local Lore Museum.

Unique exhibits coming from departments of precious metals, manuscripts and early printed books, glass and ceramics, fabrics and costumes, metal represent the Historical Museum as a repository of exceptional works of art spanning 14th-20th cc., which were created not just in Russia, but also in Europe and Asia.

All the articles presented within the exhibition are decorated with gold or gilt patterns, and all of them meet the requirements imposed on works of art.

Rarities of the exhibition may be divided into two large categories: religious and secular articles. The earliest of exhibits is a parchment page from a unique choral book which was made in 14th century in Italy. To the latest articles refer silver gilt winebowl and a ladle, produced in Moscow in the 1980s by the jeweler Yevgeny Sarykin.

15th Century French and Belgian “Books of Hours”, Russian prayer handwritten and printed books of 17th c., the verse of “Yusuf and Zulaikha” of 17th c. show talents of unknown miniature painters who managed to revive exquisite ornaments and multi-figured compositions, highlighted by glittering gold.

Exhibits presented within the exhibition will let visitors judge about the popularity of gold-decorated articles of decorative and applied arts.