International events: Exhibition “Spanish art from the State Hermitage Museum collection” staged in Kazan to celebrate Cultural Exchange Year for Russia and Spain
On November 24th 2011 as a part of celebrations of the Year of Spain in Russia and the Year of Russia in Spain the “Hermitage-Kazan” Center at “Kazan Kremlin” Museum-Reserve staged an exhibition “Spanish art from the State Hermitage Museum collection”, which puts on display over 200 paintings, graphic works, arts and crafts and weapons, created by Italian masters between 16th and early 20th centuries.
Art of 16th – 20th cc. makes up a considerable part of the exposition. Hermitage holds the largest collection of Spanish art of old masters outside the Iberian Peninsula. On show go paintings by world-famous artists, such as Diego Velázquez, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Jusepe de Ribera, Alonzo Cano, Francisco Goya – as well as less-known representatives of the art school of Spain.
The exhibition also showcases popular examples of Spanish arts and crafts spanning the time between 14th-19th cc: articles made of bronze and silver, bone carving items, ceramics, glass, furniture, fabrics, embroideries, tapestries. For the first time visitors can enjoy samples of lace, including examples of Spanish technique known as “Sol” (sun).