Information technology and authority abroad: “Digital France” program to be adopted
The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Digital Economy of the French Republic is going to make public the “Digital France” program until the end of this month. In the context of the program the French authorities plan to convert all payments and business correspondence in electronic form by the year of 2020.
One of the objectives of the new plan is to speed up the implementation of the “E-government” comprehensive project intended to facilitate at most the communication of citizens with government bodies of all levels: regional and central. It is also meant to encourage the development of small and middle enterprises in the field of information technology which play more and more often the role of a “motive power” stimulating to economic growth in France.
The expert council of this sector of economy proposed specific measures in order to implement the “Digital France” plan. According to its recommendations, all French enterprises must, for instance, open their own electronic pages and platforms for web-trade in Internet.
Experts also recommend paying special attention to the education sector. With that end in view, it was proposed to create a special national agency for communications and new technology in the field of education. This agency will be in charge of coordination of the program of electronic equipment supply to the 21st century school, interaction between parents association and other public organizations.
According to French authorities, Internet has become a strategic infrastructure which plays the essential role for economy and society. It has already become an integrated part of life of over 1,4 billion people on the planet, it expanses drastically the functions of modern communications, creates new opportunities for labor and consumption, ensures access to cultural values. Digital technology must enter each household, the program developers believe.