IT and regions of Russia: “Information Society-2011: Achievements and Prospects” Forum in Chelyabinsk

23 November 2011

The First Urals Forum “Information Society – 2011: Achievements and Prospects” is running November 22-23 2011 in Chelyabinsk. The central theme of the forum has become the development of information society and its constituent part – “e-government”.

The forum will launch a regional conference “Information technologies and solutions for development of the information society”, inauguration of an interregional exhibition “Information Technology and Communications. Security – 2011”, along with a roundtable discussion which will focus on the main areas and problems concerning provision of public and municipal services via multifunctional centers.

The forum has attracted heads and specialists of federal, regional and municipal government bodies, who supervise the development of the information society, and designers of e-government solutions, leading Russian and international experts, representatives of consulting and IT-companies, universities, banks, scientific and innovation institutions.