Russian language abroad: Theoretical and Practical Conference on Problems of Russian Language and Literature Teaching in the Multicultural Environment opens in Kishinev

22 November 2011

November 22-24 2011 the Russian Center of Science and Culture in the Republic of Moldova in partnership with the Faculty of Refresher Training for Teachers of Russian as a Foreign Language at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia is running the Theoretical and Practical Conference on Problems of Russian Language and Literature Teaching in the Multicultural Environment. The conference is held at the Institute of Pedagogical Education in Kishinev (Moldova).

The event is mounted within the Federal target program “Russian language” (2011-2015). 

The program of the theoretical and practical conference consists of a plenary session, thematic sections, master classes, workshops, thematic roundtable discussions and open lessons.  

An exhibition of latest teaching and reference publications from modern publishing houses of Russia will run along with the theoretical and practical conference on problems of Russian language and literature teaching in the multicultural environment. 

Participants of the event from Russia include leading experts in Russian language and Literature.