Regions of Russia: Sixth Gebler Readings “Faces of War. Museum Collections on the History of the Great Patriotic War” in Altai Krai

16 November 2011

November 16 – 18 2011 Altai State Local Lore Museum (Barnaul) is holding the Sixth Gebler Readings “Faces of War. Museum Collections on the History of the Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945”. The event is kicking off on the day marking 70th anniversary of Panfilov’s guardsmen’s feat near Moscow.

The conference has attracted museum staff, leading culture specialists, local historians of Altai Krai and Novosibirsk.

The conference’s program will feature over 30 reports, presentations of scientific collected works “Local Lore Notes”, which is based on materials of new studies on the history of Barnaul, a travelling photo exhibition “Moscow is Ours!”, which was prepared to celebrate 70th anniversary of the feat of Panfilov’s guardsmen in Dubosekovo which is a part of a long-term Krai’s target program “Patriotic Upbringing of Altai Krai’s Citizens. 2011-2015”.