Internet and Society: Russia takes the lead among European countries as a market with largest online audience

15 November 2011

Russia has become the leader among European countries judging by its online audience, reads a report of the research company comScore. Authors of the study mention that Russia has overtaken Germany as a market with largest online audience.

According to the comScore’s study, Russia numbers 50.8 million unique visitors. In its turn, Germany which is the second after Russia can boast 50.1 million unique visitors. The third, the fourth and the fifth places belong to France, the United Kingdom and Italy where the number of unique visitors equals 42.3, 37.2 and 23.7 million respectively. However Russia does not show the high level of involvement, which is measured by the average number of webpages viewed per visitor. Thus, the indicator of “involvement” for Russia totals 2.44, while for Germany and France it makes 2.75 and 2.78 respectively.

The study shows that the most popular search engine among the Russians is Yandex – in September 42 million users visited the search engine and its services. VKontakte social network is the European leader judging by the time users spend on the website – 7.1 hours per month.

The total Europe online audience amounts to 373 million people, while the world-wide number of unique visitors totals 1.4 billion.