Presidential Library: Materials to mark the National Unity Day

6 November 2011

To celebrate the National Unity Day the Presidential Library has opened access to digitized materials provided by the Russian State Library on its portal.

Dramatic events in the Russian history at the end of 16th — early 17th cc. (known as The Time of Troubles) are revealed through the following editions: Kostomarov N. I. The Tale of Liberation of Moscow from Polish Invaders in 1612 and Election of Tsar Mikhail (St. Petersburg, 1884); Izvolsky S. P. Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky, Liberators of Moscow and Fatherland in 1612 (Moscow, 1867); Glukharev I. N. Prince Pozharsky and Nizhny Novgorod Citizen Minin, or Liberation of Moscow in 1612 (Moscow, 1852. Parts 1—2) ; Smirnov S. K. Biography of Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky (Moscow, 1852); Minin and Prince Pozharsky (St. Petersburg, 1884). A particular attention is turned to the united people’s corps, which under the leadership of the village headman Kuzma Minin and Princes D. M. Pozharsky and D. T. Trubetskoy in 1612 liberated Moscow from Polish invaders, and displayed heroism and solidarity of the peoples regardless of the origin, religion or social status. Liberation of the capital city provided conditions for revival of the state authority and served as a powerful incentive to a mass liberation movement against invaders countrywide.