Society and Culture: Second International Conference “Art and Science in Modern World”, dedicated to 300th birth anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov, launched in St. Petersburg

1 November 2011

November 1 - 4 2011 St. Petersburg is running the 2nd International Research Conference “Art and Science in Modern World” which highlights 300th birth anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov. The forum has been organized by the Russian Academy of Arts and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The main purpose and a particular feature of this research forum – is academic and creative discussion, exchange of practices between scholars of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Arts. Therefore apart from a traditional plenary session the program of the conference features a program of events which reveal the ways for interaction between science and art.

At the plenary session the reports will be made by scholars from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Arts, guests from Italy and the United States. Participants and guests of the forum have a chance to discover the expositions of the Russian Academy of Arts Research Museum which are not available to the general public – Mosaic (Imperial) workshop, visit historical expositions, see rarities which highlight development of Russian science, work of Mikhail Lomonosov at Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) and other facilities of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Forum’s program includes inauguration of exhibitions of contemporary masters, showcasing achievements of academic school, and other important events.